AdvanceCare Health Services

We touch lives!

How to Create a Better Resume!

Do you want to increase your chances of landing that dream job? Then follow these tips below to improve your resume and land your dream job.

Keep your Resume Short and Direct. Your resume should only be one page long. Employers only look at a resume for an average of six or seven seconds. It needs to be concise and tailored to the job you are applying for. 

Format your Resume Professionally. Choose a format that is appealing to the eye and concise. In general, it should include your work experience, your non-work experience (like community involvement, side projects, etc), your education and certifications, and your skills (that pertain to that job) and interests. 

Highlight Relevant Skills and Experience. Your resume should target the specific job that you are applying for. You should include the skills needed that are listed on the job posting. Your experience needs to be relevant to show you have the skills and ability to perform that job. 

Use the Right Language to Stand Out. Make sure to use strong action words to describe your roles and projects. By doing this, it will make you sound more confident and professional. 

Demonstrate Results with Numbers and Metrics. When including your past work experience, you should use metrics to highlight your achievement and provide an idea of what you did in your last job. For example, “executed more than 40 calls daily, with an average 6% conversion rate.” 

Include Appropriate Keywords. Many companies use a tracking system to scan resumes and it will only move onto a human hiring manager if it fits the right criteria. Make sure to use keywords that were used in the job posting in your resume. By doing this, it will provide you with a better chance of moving on in the hiring process because you will have fit the criteria. 

Check for Errors. Always make sure to triple-check your own work and have someone else proofread it as well. Make sure that your spelling and grammar are correct, your formatting, and headings. 

At AdvanceCare, for our Admin positions like Accounting, Human Resources, Program Managers, and other administrative positions, we like to see these tips used in a resume as stated above. To land a job at our company, we need to see a well-formatted resume that coincides with our job posting. Make sure to follow the tips above, and you will have great success moving forward in the hiring process at AdvanceCare or any job you are applying to! Our job openings can be found on Indeed through this link:,-LLC/jobs 

Apply today to TOUCH lives!

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